Monday, October 31, 2011

Bronze Sculpture Company, Big Statues, Presents Nurse, Triathlete, and Mother with Bronze Bust

Bronze sculptor, Matt Glenn, of has just completed a museum-quality bronze bust for the Core Family, to honor their mother, Jacquie Core.
Jacquie Core has been an Ironman Triathlete as well as a registered nurse for over 33 years, and her family wanted to create a lasting tribute that would honor her daily service.
Her son, Jesse Core approached bronze sculptor, Matt Glenn with several pictures and ideas for a bronze sculpture that would capture her unique personality. Matt Glenn created several clay versions of a bust, or sculpture of her head and shoulders, before settling on the final design. To get the perfect likeness, Big Statues worked for over four months to get just the right texture and look of her hair, skin, and uniform.
The final result is a stunning 2 foot tall bronze sculpture of a strong, heartfelt woman with a friendly smile. The combination of her sweet spirit with the power and weight of the bronze material captured her distinctive confident and caring personality exactly. Cast in a classic bronze patina and mounted on a rich wooden base, the bronze bust of Jacquie Core will be accompanied by an 8 inch by 10 inch bronze plaque, engraved with one of her family’s favorite quotes, “The best patient care always starts with empathy.”
The bronze statue was shipped this Wednesday, October 26th and will be unveiled at Mr. Core’s home this weekend.
The custom bronze bust has been a growing trend in Big Statues’ recent clientele over the past year. Working with customers interested in honoring family members, patrons, and institutions all with such rich histories and accomplishments, but ultimately limited by their spending budgets, Big Statues has been able to offer an economical alternative for these consumers. Because the bust is only a sculpture of a person’s chest or waist up, it does not capture the full body of the figure. However the sculpture is still life-size, and when elevated on a table or stand, it creates the same desired effect of feeling as if the person sculpted is truly standing in front of the viewer.
For more information about the bronze sculpting process, bronze sculptor Matt Glenn, and the bronze sculpture foundry, Big Statues, visit

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